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Zone PIN Key (ZPK) has to be always provided in hexadecimal digits (0-9 | A-F) and key length allowed is 32. The KPE is derived from a Terminal PIN Key (TPK) and two other values, the Systems Trace Audit Number (STAN) and the transaction amount. This fuction translates a PIN block from encryption under a PIN Encryption Key (KPE) to encryption under a Zone PIN Key (ZPK). KCV Type sets the length of the key check value (1 = KCV 6H )ĪS2805: Generate Terminal Key Set operation finished Key Scheme LMK says what Key Scheme will be used for encrypting keys under LMK.

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Key Scheme KEK says what Key Scheme will be used for encrypting keys under KEKr. The key is encrypted under the appropriate variant of LMK pair 14-15. Key Encryption Key receive (KEKr) has to be always provided in hexadecimal digits (0-9 | A-F) and key length allowed is 32. KEK Flag specifies what key is used 1 = KEK1, 2 = KEK2, 3 = TEKr. CCALC generates a key check value (KCV) for every output key. Generates set of terminal keys like a Terminal PIN Key (TPK), Terminal Authentication Key Receive (TAKr), Terminal Authentication Key Send (TAKs), Terminal Encryption Key Receive (TEKr) and Terminal Encryption Key Send (TEKs) and return each key encrypted under a variant of a Terminal Master Key (TMK) or KMA and the appropriate LMK pair. Financial messages described by this standard are closely related to ISO 8583, but pre-dates it by two years (1985 vs 1987).ĪS2805 functionality provided by CCALC handles Terminal Keys Set generation, PIN Block translation, plus MAC and OWF generation. It is near-exclusively used in Australia for the operation of card-based financial transactions among banks, automatic teller machines and EFTPOS devices. AS2805 is the Australian standard for financial messaging.

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